Brexit: Importing Rescue Cats and Dogs from the EU to the UK
(Thank you to Linda Demetriou for making this Information available)
From Cyprus for the flights to another EU member state, we will require an INTRA TRACES to the EU and the Export Health Certificate for entry to the UK. Both will be processed by Cy Vet Services on the TRACES system – so basically we will have 2 different documents.
For entry to the EU, please also continue with the EU passport.
Although the passport is not required for entry to the UK, APHA did confirm to us, that they highly recommend the continuation of entry with passports alongside the health certificate for full medical history of the pet.
IPAFFs will need to be done well in advance now and the UNN number (IMP) needs to go on the Export Health Certificate, and then the Export Health Certificate number needs to go on the IPAFFs. The Export Health Certificate will need to be taken to the Vet together with the pet, for completion by them and returned to Vet Services for their part.
In addition, we require export custom documents from Cyprus. These documents need to be prepared according to your method of transit, and we suggest you speak with your export agents in Cyprus for their input and future cooperation with them. We will need these documents for Direct and Indirect flights of all rescue pets, as they are a commodity and therefore fall under the standard import/export procedure of a non EU member state.
At the same time we need to be preparing Import declarations in the UK with HMRC. This may be done with a courier that has an EORI registration, or a UK charity that has an EORI registration. We recommend that you have an import agent in the UK to assist you, and we are working with our couriers and other charities, as to the best way to do these.
Defra have confirmed that until July 2021 no BCP will be required at Calais for Rescue pets but we still have Customs to clear, and you must all be aware that custom clearance fees will either be applicable at customs on entry to the UK or via a pre clearance agent or similar.
We have also checked online and by calling HMRC, that the product code for rescue dogs and cats is 0106190000, and currently for Cyprus is showing 0% rated (this can change), but we still have as an importer the responsibility to create Import Declarations for all pets. HMRC must be notified of all product imports to the UK as of the 1st Jan 2021.
An Importer can be a charity, a courier or an adopter and we strongly suggest you evaluate each area and know exactly what it entails.
To give you a simple explanation, importing dogs and cats is no different to importing a car.
a. We have the Vet Services side, which is the preparation and identification of the animal, to travel to the UK, and Cy Vet Services are fully responsible for this aspect and have the process in place.
b. Rescuers have the Import and Duty, plus custom clearance fees of HMRC in the UK, which all of us as exporters and also all of us as importers (rescuers in the UK) are responsible for this even if we make our adopters the Importer (which we recommend that you all seriously evaluate this).
c. Couriers dual registration in the UK and EU and some other regulations, but the couriers are responsible for these aspects.
From Vet Services we only require the Export Health Certificate.
IPAFFs are the same as above.
Export documents and import declarations are exactly the same.
Please remember that the UK is no longer an EU member state, so it is now no different if a dog or cat is coming from Cyprus or China !!
We suggest that all Rescuers in Cyprus discuss any concerns they have and what they need to do with whoever books your flight. Vet Services in Cy can only advise Rescuers on their remit which are the Intra and Export Health Certificates.
Please take care, don’t rush the first exports, check and double check, know your potential costs, we don’t want any pets stuck on route!!
This information has been compiled by a group of charities, a great group of couriers, agents with knowledge, a lot of calls and checking each part with various sources including Cy Vet Services.
We expect further changes in July 2021 and we will advise in due course.
From all the Trustees of Active8 Cyprus we wish you A Happy and Healthy 2021 !!
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