Larnaka-Hamburg 24.September
Flight Escort Hamburg to-
7 Dogs in 4 Crates
1 Cat in 1 Crate
1 Cat in Cabin
Some Spaces available on Ticket Share Basis for Animals in Hold
Larnaka to Hamburg via Athens 05.15 in the Morning Flight from Larnaka.
Contact for Details
Tickets with Space for Animals in Hold are hard to come by and not many people want to fly. I spend a lot of time on the Phone to Aegean (sometimes holding on for 40 minutes to reserve Crate Space.) Due to Coshit-19 there are also other Costs for me such as a negative PCR Test to enter Germany (how do I know it's going to be NEGATIVE?? I just know!), getting to the Airport in Larnaka, parking fees, S or U-Bahn Costs etc etc. The surest way to reserve a Place on any of the Flights is to pay the Ticket Share Cost straight away. ONLY then is the Share guaranteed. The Crate Costs can be paid on the Day of the Flight at the Airport Counter, OR it can be send to me and I will pay it for you on the Day.